Andy Carley

Im a tall guy, and I’m in the stand up crowd, but you have to be aware of what going on around you. If I have the opportunity to stand up, I will help people their bags while we wait for the line to get to us. If I’m sitting in a window sheet or deep into a middle row, then I don’t stand. I basic rule is if it’s going

While Traveling down I-196 NB, just southwest of Grand Rapids in the leftmost lane, me and a group of motorist was cut off by a rusted out mid ninety’s Oldsmobile Cutlas. Now, we were traveling a Michigan standard of 80mph and were cruising past the people in the right lane, and the cutlass decided that it wanted in.

VW w12 Phaeton.

I owned a E46 335xi for about 2 months

It was the first car I bought by myself. I sold my 2008 sebring (nicknamed the sh*tler, because it literally extracted all of the fun out of driving), for $3000, with nothing wrong with it except for the leaking alloy rim. With that, plus everything I had in my bank account, I