This has to be a joke. right?
This has to be a joke. right?
Make Heaven Gate again.
He should have given you an Attitude Adjustment.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Knuckle Sandwich.
Obviously the Church has it wrong. If we want God to answer our prayers, we need to punch people in the face.
This guy has to be related to Torch. Only way this makes sense.
I see you have fuckboy covered though.
I think they freeze you out so you can sit there and drink and not die of heat. Or, they just know the average BMI of Texans....
I get it, I live in Houston and it’s hot outside. If you go workout outside in the heat, it makes the rest of the time bearable. I don’t have to set my AC at 72 to stay comfortable at home.
I approve of this movie.
Jeepers Creepers...
Gives a new meaning to the phrase beat your meat.
I went to Wamego as a freshman. They had the worlds largest LSD lab bust there. It was in an old missile silo. And, it was staffed by off-duty cops.
You obviously never went to Wamego.
Yeah, but you lived in Manhattan, KS. I’m sure you’ve seen the gambit of toothless meth-heads trying to feed you some bullshit.
The customer is always right.
This is what you do when you have a Craftsmen warranty.
No, the problem is that it is still semi-permeable after tanning. When water gets into this area, it removes fats that keep the leather supple. So, you need a barrier to prevent this from happening.
When you make something into leather, it makes it not waterproof. So, you would need to waterproof the leather then./pedantic