
How far back does this go?

I hope I don’t die in any of them.

That’s actually what I was thinking about when I commented. I should get some liquid glass.

Can you imagine getting sap in your pubic hair? Call that Nature’s Brazilian.

The Sebastian Vettel CUV.

They would never make an SUV. Simply because they would never call it that. They may consider making the Ferrari Clydesdale F7XX though.

Fly an A-10?

If only we could erase him from Earth.

How will I get my Chipotle cleanse on though? Thanks Obama.

They already started stealing cars, so what else is new?

Someone should tell him that Sharknado wasn’t a documentary.

Did someone say ultimate Beetle?

The ISS is still close enough to Earth that our magnetic field blocks a lot of the radiation.

Kids these days, can’t get them to look away from the screen for anything.

I originally got out of the grays by purposefully waiting for new articles and being the first to post on them. Now, I could probably create a new handle and get the authors to do it if I asked.

Dude, that’s totally a Lambo.

That’s because all it takes is a local bowl of chili to accomplish the deed.

Jobu only likes to fly first class.

Full Disclosure: I get an erection every time I see this car.