
Mom? Dad?

Go to the Netherlands, see some netherlands.

There’s only three people you should care about. Me, myself and I. Please, if you were really that concerned you would have watched the fucking movie already. It’s time to change your tampon, Nancy.

Who’s first?

You’ve had an entire weekend to go see it. It’s really sad that his own son killed him to switch to the dark side.

Who didn’t see this coming? There’s a reason the current cars are designed that way. Because it’s the best!

Still not as bad as killing Hans Solo.

The best part about this video is that he is only 5’8”.

There is only one acceptable mountain to give to your friend for their birthday.

Stop, my dick can only get so erect.

He looks like an after picture of a drug addict. This is your brain, this is your brain when you’re a fucking psycopath.

I don’t like flat asses.

Megan “Toe Thumbs” Fox.

Is it just me or is she getting hotter? Obviously it’s all the piles of cash at play.


I would rather have the Corvette X-Ray Spec’s. Corporate branding has really expanded into everything.

One is beloved by the nation, the other is the President.

No, she swam out to someone on a boat and they saved her. After her vicious attack.