Google self driving vehicle.
Google self driving vehicle.
Say it until it’s funny, that’s your motto.
Hello, leg store?
What about the Hayabusa? That’s the greatest motorcycle ever.
Sorry, but I don’t give a fuck about this. I love Formula 1. I do not love my state pouring money into this bullshit. This is like the Olympics. Every city is better off not hosting them. If you can’t make money on your races, then fuck off. And, fuck you twice Bernie.
Welp, he just came.
Yeah, this. If the party runs out, that’s fine. It’s free 75 dollars on games I would have bought anyways.
Yeah, this. If the party runs out, that’s fine. It’s free 75 dollars on games I would have bought anyways.
What? No left shark?
The final solution to backseat drivers.
Hey if you get in on the Dell preorders, they keep sending you an extra 25 dollar gift card everytime you pre-order something else. I am working on my 3rd free 25 dollars.
Hey if you get in on the Dell preorders, they keep sending you an extra 25 dollar gift card everytime you pre-order…
Or you could add baseball cards to the spokes.
Someone’s just mad that Miata>944.
That’s not how you fill the bowl. Amateurs.
Jurassic Park Edition Explorer. Why would you want that?
Not gonna lie, swagger wagon had probably the best white people dancing ever recorded.
This is because religion is essentially a virus. One that serves to replicate. Wake up SHEEPLE!
And together, we make Vin Diesel!
We all know how much he hates grass. He really murdered that infield.