Seems like it was almost yesterday that I last won a COTD. Thank you everyone!
Seems like it was almost yesterday that I last won a COTD. Thank you everyone!
The man in a van has a plan.
Keep Orlove away from it.
You think that’s bad? Try being the one responsible for designing exhaust ports.
Thanks for the COTD!
As usual, I will be dressing up as the dip stick.
Dear Stance, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy
You said your girlfriend’s pregnant now, how far along is she?
So, looking at a phallic shape gives you a hard-on? Riiiiiight....
I see somebody googled “stupid beetle song.”
Translation: His barber is his weed hookup.
Hero saves gas station from deadly spider.
How I made billions with only 20.7 million dollars.
He should be fine. The driver was only going 17.38 mph.
This is the perfect visual metaphor for Renault versus the opposition.
The first half of the shocker is this....
Marc Webber out for a relaxing sunday drive.
That white powder you see, it’s not powdered sugar....
Because if you make it any smaller, it becomes too cute to be a manly off-roader.
What a dick.