Implode: To collapse inward violently. He used the term correctly. The doors were blown in by the explosion.
Implode: To collapse inward violently. He used the term correctly. The doors were blown in by the explosion.
The ideal spy car is a taxi that matches the locals. No one would ever suspect a thing.
I didn't know it was a Trilogy. I'm not sure if I want to see the other two movies.
When did Doug start writing under a pseudonym?
This is by far one of best B movies I have ever seen. If you want to go even deeper into the WTF realm, que up the original Oldboy.
I'm pretty sure this guy lives in the land of piss and vinegar.
Stephen Hawking RT @IGGYAZALEA name a rapper better than me
All your base are belong to us.
Best job he ever had.
The last time I flew to that area, I almost flew into Dayton instead of CVG.
I believe that Delta controls all of the fuel at CVG so they have made it impossible for another airline to use that as their hub.
I had to go listen to the song after you said that and now it's stuck in my head.
Except to be a fully functional adult again, someday.
Have a seat over here.
Slogan for this company:
"A long downward trend in gasoline prices could make consumers less likely to buy the fuel-efficient vehicles key to reducing climate change"
I'm torn, 450 boosted ponies sound like a lot of fun. Then I see the car and I fall asleep.
This kid is obviously Argentinian.