
Do you blame her, have you seen what happens to pets of the Kardashians?

Now my two favorite drivers are on the same team. Looks like I'll be picking up a Ferrari cap soon.

This is what happens when you give press credentials to internet 'bloggers'.

Party Brigade on arrival.

It's like watching 100 Pastor Maldonados race at the same time.

This guy is a hero.

Those truck nuts shriveled up inside quick.

So that's what Dwhite does with his free time. Interesting.

At least he can breathe with his mouth closed.

I think that recent history would prove that humans aren't animals.

Maybe I was calling him a hipster. Take care homeless Dan.

If you can ride one of these, you are dripping in swag. Honda Ruckus FTW.

1979 Pontiac Firebird would be a nice car to have.

This read as 'real talk' by chris harris. Jalop Talk? I don't know what I'm doing.

1979 Buick Elektra Limited, Metallic Brown with whitewall tires.


Falconer V12

This statement just killed me a little bit. I'm so glad I was a kid during that time and not an adult looking at buying a vehicle.

This is what fair trade looks like.