
There are dozens of stories from the ME every year about sunnis and shiites car bombing, bus bombing and suicide bombing each other by the hundreds. They routinely get ignored by this site and other news sources. Where is the outcry over those? Not on these comment boards.

the implication is that the US fucked up and are culpable in what is happening right now. everyone wringing their hands over russia & what to do when we as a country should have stood up for this FIVE YEARS AGO when it wasn’t already too fucking late

Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia is “fed up” with U.S. calls for a ceasefire. “We are tired of hearing this whining from our American colleagues in the current administration that we need to immediately halt military action,” he told reporters, implicitly framing the next administration as one that may be

For how much I have enjoyed the Obama Presidency and Democrats, this is one their biggest failures. Despite Republicans being a partial cause due to Iraq, the DNC fear of backlash against taking substantive action in Syria also helped make this the clusterfuck it is. We all get some blame for not speaking out against

... implicitly framing the next administration as one that may be friendlier toward the cause of mass murder—the mass murder that fed a refugee crisis that bolstered the global far-right resurgence that got Donald Trump elected.

I feel like your inconveniences are less important than the real issues here, yet somehow you wrote an entire article about how much it sucks to be cold.

For you, being trapped in a hotel in North Dakota during a blizzard in subzero temperatures will be a story you tell for the rest of your life. For midwesterners, it was Tuesday.

‘Why are you blaming the voters who voted for a fascist who will rip away the protections every American deserves, and the voters who were too busy whining about not getting a pony to vote against a literal fascist, instead of kissing all of their asses and putting all of them first above all others like they demand?’

Cry me a river, Berniebot. The primary votes weren’t fixed, even if the DNC, who are scum, pushed Hillary. But you think Bernie would have stood a chance as a Jewish socialist looking to raise taxes against a Nazi-backed anti-Semite economic-fairy-tale-promising plutocrat? Fuck, you’re dumber than I thought!

Except that he won the places where she lost  the general election. Democrats who voted for her would have voted for him, but also the white working class people that didn’t. You didn’t pay attention much in the primaries, obviously, if you don’t know that he was strong exactly where she was fatally weak.

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are

“You’re a racist if you voted for Trump”

It’s not an invention to say that Hilary’s campaign was dismissive, or downright hostile, to the (white, working class) Bernie’s supporters in the rust belt states she lost. You labeled them as mysognist thugs when you should have been getting their vote. The DNC played itself, and America suffers because of their

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

Bernie would have done better, because this was an outsider vs insider thing. But we’ll never know if he would have won.

Bernie was saying all the “right” things to the Left people, how can you be so fucking blind as to not see that? He was directly the left-wing equivalent of Trump, but you dipshits went with centrist Clinton for some bullshit reason and now we have lost.

There will be endless reprisals and recriminations, and they will all do approximately zero good, so I will try to avoid them. There’s more than enough blame to go around. But for one dark night (morning), I will indulge. You’re exactly right. The fucking goddamn DNC and their miserable godfuckinggoddamn triangulation

Except I never said it absolved them of anything.. However the fact remains that people voted trump are the same ones who voted for someone who was very much the opposite of him. That people shouldn’t sit on their asses and make fun because they think they live in this protective bubble overconfident that no one will

Keep telling yourself that and miss the point why you lost the election. This isn’t push back against Obama. It’s a push back against polished, lifetime Washington politicians,

More like shittiest Democratic presidential candidate ever