
I’m with you there as well. In a way, it actually makes sense. There are supposedly hundreds of interlocking narratives in the park, and obviously at least a few narratives that may be running concurrently involve some of the same hosts at the same time. Also, when you have jack-holes like Logan that just shoot up

Yeah, one reveal I keep expecting is to see some park staff open up a storeroom and wheel out one of dozens of Deloreses or Teddies.

Christ don’t tell me I’m watching a variant of “LOST”.

Why does sex bother you so much? Implied sex, by the way. But the extreme over the top violence..thats ok?? Thats not what will keep you away? We are a fucking weird ass species man.

I’m still pissed it’s still almost entirely tits.Very few naked guys. And seriously, where the hell do their gay clients get to have their fun? 

Could be a NASA-style logo situation, where they have an updated version but still use the original logo for certain occasions.

The orgy is supposed to be disaffecting, the focus of the scene is on Delores and William, who are disaffected by the orgy.

Yeah the orgy was so background I didn’t even understand why we needed it really. The best part was Dolores’ reaction as she walked around until she found the oracle.

I was totally expecting Logan to be the first newcomer to die last night. That was the intimation of that moment. After all, Logan is the arch guest who is constantly pointing out how fake it all is. The genuine terror on his face ran counter to all his preening in previous episodes.

I agree. There’s also a mismatch in the dialogue about the corporate history of the park, if the parallel timeline theory is to be believed. There’s too many holes in this theory for it to be workable. This show is full of red herrings, and it’s best to just watch it, rather than try to outguess it.

Didn’t they mention the Samaritan reflex at some point? I figured that’s what it meant — jumping in to prevent harm coming to actual humans. That doesn’t preclude Ford from being *extra* protected, of course. 

A twist worthy of V’Ger!

I agree. My explanation for Lawrence would include the notion that there may be multiples of certain hosts...since the park presumably runs 24X7 with guests running all over with similar story lines.

Who else is waiting for the nutty Zardoz-style twist that “Delos” is secretly a glitched abbrieviation of “Delores”? (This theory does of course depend on the mispelling of her name that seems to creep into articles about the show).

Unless that’s just a glitch in the Matrix.

If he was planning on militarizing them then what would be the point in making them pass as human?

Actually, proponents of the Two Timeline Theory are starting to annoy me.

I love seeing some rockin’ tits and ass and all sorts of orgiastic happenings, but I barely paid any attention to that. I was focused on what was going on with the characters at the orgy, the ones not participating in it. The orgy was just background and really wasn’t all that interesting or even in your face.

Bruh, its just a holodeck gone haywire. Geordi, O’Brian, or Data will have it under control soon.

Are we sure it’s not the Cylon training program before the final few were selected as spies before the start of Battlestar Galactica?