
Disagree. I hope he gets it (unless Burton is an option; I’m on that wagon). Charismatic and funny but yields the stage to the contestants.

You’re a Holzhauherhead, aren’t you?

Andrew Dismukes had one line in the Universal Orlando sketch.

I think part of the problem with the Covid Pod sketch is that it comes almost 11 months into lockdowns and quarantines for most of the US, and by now most of us have had to accept circumstances under which we leave our metaphorical plastic bubbles and risk exposure. As a result, it doesn’t really have a whole lot of

I mean, he’s clearly being presented as wrong and incompetent. Whether he’s “evil” remains to be seen.

Either because she didn’t want his body desecrating (I don’t fully believe that an organisation like SWORD wouldn’t have been studying his remains in order to capitalise on them) or because she thought she could bring him back, and maybe that’s what caused her to snap - she failed, so this version is the next best

Every part of me wants to believe Vision is actually alive again and not just a zombie puppet Wanda’s animating in her dream world.

I believe Wanda is telling the truth when she says she isn’t the one that started all of this, because Marvel wouldn’t want to totally sabotage her character by making all of this really her fault. 

The way she broke was also different. The others freeze up or act funny. Like they’re in character but not playing it anymore.

Yeah. Agnes nervously “breaking character” this week seems at first to reinforce the idea that everybody is under Wanda’s influence, but her *ability* to break character and the choice to do so in front of Vision might suggest it’s all part of the act.

I’d go so far as to say the general thematic thrust of not being able to ever truly control people, and especially those you love/family is going to factor into both the emotional and narrative climax. The situation re: Wanda/town’s consciousness reminds me a bit of the Yeerks from Animorphs crossed with the beings

Given how elaborate and involved fan service has become in modern nerddom, along with Marvel’s propensity to use their stories as dominoes just to knock down the next one ad infinitum, it’s hard to not be a little suspicious of creative moves like the reveal at the end of the show.

Elizabeth Olsen is a HUGE part of why this show is working so well. She is flipping effortlessly between an angry Scarlet With, glimpses of the clearly grieving Wanda, and wacky sitcom wife.

I was assuming this is his “character” for the show - has a very Joey Lawrence on Blossom-vibe which also correlates to the idea of a “Very Special Episode.”

Upon the news that the Minnesota players had ended their boycott, prices on StubHub for prime seats on the 50 yard line for the Holiday Bowl skyrocketed and are currently as high as $8.64 per seat.