
I think anyone who has lived in a city in recent history has come across many different versions of these yoga/meditation/healing gurus, who are surrounded by young women of a certain “broken” variety. The aforementioned guru always has a tragic/mysterious/inspiring past. Everyone is always very happy/in

Furthermore, demanding a MOVEMENT out of every candidate you support is dangerous, because movements run on emotion and emotion always runs out. Ask Obama how that went. He was elected on the biggest MOVEMENT in recent history, and passed a freaking national public health plan in America of places in his first year.

Because the concern trolling is intended to drive people away from the candidate. Then when the candidate loses, the concern troll says “Hey, I voted for them - what else did you want me to do?!?!”.

Don’t be too hard on the Jezebel staff guys. Their main beat was whining about vaping laws until ~2018, and they’re playing a lot of catchup.

Don’t be too hard on the Jezebel staff guys. Their main beat was whining about vaping laws until ~2018, and they’re playing a lot of catchup.

The horror show of the last few months has pushed Jezebel off of it’s pro-Trump position, which is good. Expect a few more kinda-bitchy articles about Kamala over the next few months, but all in all it will be fairly muted.

Here’s a good laugh: ask your “Libertarian” friend when was the last time they voted for a Libertarian.

They’re literally killing our teachers and kids for the economy.

These ninnies don’t show nearly the same dedication to getting Trump re-elected that Herman Cain did.

If there’s one thing we can say for Herman Cain it’s that he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in service of his favored conspiracy theories. How many of you libs can say the same?!?!

These are the same people who once thought HIV would only infect gay men. Which rebounded horribly their faces as well. A problem is still a problem, even if you pretend it isn’t a problem. Republicans seem to have a really hard time comprehending this because good governance has never been the actual goal.

I’ll give the author the benefit of the doubt that it was just a bad joke, but that’s a pretty viciously misleading headline. As read it’s basically accusing this person/family of racism.

I have a family member who signed up to get the Trump campaign emails to see how unhinged they are, and can confirm this. She gets 4-5 emails a day, each with a bunch of different font sizes/colors, and offers to join various clubs/tiers. Because isn’t it sweet to be able to say you’re a member of the Trump 100 Donor

+1. It was 10+ years ago so well beyond Jezebel’s attention span, but huh with the idea that Britney escaped tabloid scrutiny? Jesus H. Christ. That stuff was everywhere the summer she went nuts. Justin Bieber’s various misdeeds have been covered ad nauseum. The Amanda Bynes thing was fairly brief because her weird

This is quite a few words to say, ultimately, nothing.

I 0% believe he aced the test.

So like a lot of people who go through extreme political/religious shifts she experienced a personal tragedy, went looking for meaning, found an ideology in which her role was very clearly defined, and became convinced she had found the One Truth Path. Which she now must share with the world - the zeal of convert, as

“In the space of a few days I’ve started questioning my SJW [social justice warrior] liberal viewpoint and I’ve decided that I would like to be a trad wife,”

I wouldn’t worry too much. If the best the outrage machine can come up with is that a Never Trumper is speaking at the convention then we’re in a pretty good place at the moment.

In Guest’s defense, I think he actually is this stupid.