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    (He also repeatedly tried to get Diana into therapy, and she consistently refused.)

    Troy is fun but Gladiator is better, IMO.

    It’s not a meme (that I’ve seen) but his “father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next” speech is pretty damn good stuff. I love Gladiator, I find the ending very touching when she tells him “go to them” and you see his reunion with them.

    It re-launched the Sword and Sandal genre for the aughts—a whole lotta those (including Troy and the TV-movie Helen of Troy starring Stellan Skarsgard and Rufus Sewell) came out after Gladiator.

    You don’t like Batman Returns??? God, I LOVE that movie! My favorite shot is the long-suffering WASP parents of Penguin, tossing off their martinis as baby-Penguin eats the family cat. My people!

    How many Oscars have you won, Glenn? (For the record, she already should’ve won several and I think she’s a great actress. But I hate it when people praise one actress by tearing down another. Based on the way you win versus you get nominated—your peers nominate you, the Academy at large votes for the victors—the

    Yeah, I wouldn’t necessarily take Earl Spencer’s word as gospel. He is a known, flaming asshole—just ask his two ex-wives about his potential for cruelty—and also refused to let Diana shelter at Althorp House after the divorce. I always figured his passionate elegy at the funeral was partly fueled by guilt.

    I absolutely loved Paterfamilias. It’s probably my favorite episode of the series so far. The young Philip was a wonderful talent, just brilliant at letting his emotions play out on his face. That look when he saw the German town, all decked out in Nazi paraphernalia—struggling with grief and terror and horror. Philip

    I’ll admit she writes pretty hot sex scenes. Her RPF fanfic of Frank Lloyd Wright (The Fountainhead) was kind of hottt. But yeah, the ideology realllly doesn’t hold up under scrutiny.

    He’s been gone for awhile now. Hell, Equity (the stage actors’ union) kicked him out over ten years ago because he treated his fellow cast and crew members like garbage. He married a very strange woman and they basically drove each other crazy. He’s hateful now but he did have a fantastic career (multiple Emmy noms,

    It’s horrible. This isn’t “grew up a Republican in a family of Republicans, am starting to question my inherited loyalties.” This is “not only applauding but actively, materially helping someone who went well out of his way to murder people.”

    YES. Self-imposed martyrdom combined with low-key drama queen tendencies.

    I’m also 5'2" and have always been called short (and have never felt like I was average height) but you may have a point—perhaps she looked even smaller next to Duchovny who towered over her.

    Right? Gillian Anderson is famously short. Didn’t they have to shoot her standing on a box next to David Duchovny in some scenes in The X-Files?

    Harry’s Spencer aunt and uncle (Sarah and Charles) are both red-haired. Harry is the living embodiment of young Philip—his eyes and nose scream Windsor. He doesn’t look like Hewitt at all.

    Chapin or no, Ivanka has zero—zero—ground to be classist in any way, or to look down on people with less money. They are not old money, they have “no people” as old school WASPs would put it (your Nazi great-grandfather and your Klansman grandfather don’t count) and the entire clan is nothing more than a bunch of jumpe

    but they are still out there. And they still have ready accomplices in political circles.

    I’ve seen the Confederate flag displayed in rural New Hampshire as well, it’s absolutely mind-boggling.

    Fewer. /Ser Davos

    Multiple skyscrapers as well as a strip mall on the UES. But some of those are residences whose tenants stripped the name off. I kind of felt bad for the people who live in Trump International Tower and Hotel at Columbus Circle—there were huge crowds booing the building on Saturday (and, I’m assuming Trump Towers and