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    Savage but accurate.

    🎼 The best part of waking up/is handing racists a cup of Shut the Fuck Up! 🎶

    Yes! I adore Coco, she is such a focused, incredible athlete (and am super-impressed at how intelligently her parents are handling her situation--with every teenage tennis phenom I flashback to Capriati). Love Naomi as well. Two fantastic role models for the next generation. So proud of Naomi!

    I am a big Star Trek fan and am constantly, constantly having to explain to triggered conservatives, horrified that their favorite franchise includes a gay character/a woman in charge/a gay woman in charge/a black woman in charge/a black gay transperson in charge/pick your conservative bridge-too-far that Star Trek is

    Well, D Jr. also wet his pants when he got drunk, hence his nickname Diaper Don. That alone warrants the loser sobriquet.

    Right. Raised voice or no, she was intentionally harassing Poe, saying the most provocative things she could to elicit an angry reaction. Imagine if Karen had been a man and saying sexual things to Poe—it would’ve been just as wrong and would’ve been dealt with the same way (likely) by Delta. Good for them for how

    Also Iron Eyes Cody, the Crying Indian of the ad against pollution in the early ‘70s—he had no Native ancestry at all and was a second-generation Italian-American. 

    Do tell!

    I had never heard (or heard of) “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear [Some] Flowers in Your Hair)“ before this movie, and I thought I knew a lot about the ‘60s. Great soundtrack.

    As much as I despised W, I never felt as though he hated other Americans. I thought he was in way over his head, I thought he was deluded as to the extent of his incompetence, I thought his idealogical goals were bad. But I never thought he hated other Americans, and I think he was genuinely anguished at 9/11.

    Yeah, the article is clearly tongue-in-cheek, and very affectionately meant.

    Agreed, this is disgusting behavior. Imagine being a young evangelical guy, already primed to believe sex is awful and sinful and you can’t do it AT ALL (sidehugs and all that shit) outside of marriage and here’s the first lady of the university (*eyeroll* such as it is, when was Liberty eventually accredited?)

    I love Jenelope! Probably my favorite supporting character.


    This is horrible. I feel so bad for that poor kid. I can’t imagine hearing that from the woman you regard as your mother.

    That is fucking heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine the rage he will eventually feel. (I’m assuming he’s stifling it just to get through his youth.) That poor, poor kid.

    When I saw that W. Bush-era documentary Jesus camp, where the kids are quite literally prostrating themselves in front of a picture of W, I was horrified. I had to explain to my atheist BF how anti-biblical that was--they are literally bowing down to graven images.

    I fucking hate that shit. Yes, many of us are Christians—what kind of Christian are you? What denomination? You don’t get to be the default Christian, especially since y’all are Johnny come latelys when it comes to Christianity. So fucking obnoxious.

    I feel terribly sorry for her. You’re right—she sounds intelligent and very empathetic. I can’t imagine growing up with parents like that, with those views and that kind of amplification. She must be in hell.

    “Hi--I’m here to check your gas meter?”