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    You do realize Biden is a lifelong stutterer? Maybe we shouldn’t expect him to be the exemplar of eloquence?


    HAHAHAHAHA you big fucking turd you. This after his stupid stunt with the mask is just such perfect karma. That he rode in AF1 and then self-quarantined is making my day. I hope Covfefe is sweating bullets right now.

    *Pssst.* Don Jr. Don! Over here. *beckons with hand* Here is my secret, a very simple secret.

    Oh shit, I have to catch that! John Colicos’s Kor is one of my favorite villains in all of Star Trek. I just love the way he purred the line “Have we a ram among the sheep?” And I lovedlovedLOVED the scene when he interviewed Kirk after finding out his true identity. Such a great episode.

    Will do! Thanks for the advice.

    I am just now getting back into TOS fandom (one episode at a time) and have only just discovered a few weeks ago that there is a sequel of sorts to TwT (beyond the one in TAS which I think is called More Tribbles, More Troubles). I’ve only caught snippets of T&T, which I’ve loved—I can’t wait to see the whole thing!

    Yes! I rewatched that one just two days ago and it’s quite noticeable—Kirk’s double has considerably darker hair. Which makes some of the trivia I’ve been hearing a little suspect—apparently in Shore Leave, Shatner wanted to wrestle the tiger. Dude, you can’t even handle getting pounded by Khan or Spock (multiple

    That’s adorable!

    Oh God, what a great idea! Williams’s music NEEDS a live orchestra.

    And Ford did almost all of that sequence, except for the whip thing. I’ve been rewatching old Star Trek TOS episodes and noticing when Shatner clearly had a double in the fight scenes. It’s incredible that Ford did almost all of his own stunts!

    50 Stents

    And Virginia, which is comfortably blue now all over, and has voted for the Democratic candidate in the last three Presidential elections.

    Meanwhile, the countrywide shortage of everything from food to medical care—paired with the difficulty of obtaining contraceptives and strict abortion laws—has contributed to a spike in abandoned babies, with one charity estimating that abandonments went up 70 percent in 2018 alone.

    I prefer Sussexit.

    Right? I was like—so what did you intend to do? You intended to use your office to enrich yourself and to launder the kickbacks! I don’t get how you think you glossed this over at all.

    We have had NOTHING in NYC. Sometime in November there was the barest sprinkle but absolutely no accumulation and even that didn’t last long. It hit 60 here yesterday.

    Exactly. I wouldn’t believe the Daily Fail if they told me water was wet. They are awful, and their shitty racist coverage of Meghan has led directly to this situation.

    They’re pivoting to this argument because for years dudebros have loudly opined that “sorry it’z juss bizness, the men are more in demand and bring in more revenue.” Now that that argument holds no water (and hasn’t since 2015, the women’s WC final was THE most watched soccer program to air ever), they’re trying to

    “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” That line still...still brings tears to my eyes.