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    The title means absolutely nothing. There is no actual duchy of Sussex generating income for Harry, the way the duchy of Cornwall generates income for Charles, and the duchy of Lancaster generates income for the Queen. It’s purely ceremonious, a kind of wedding gift that the Queen gives to senior male members of the

    Yeah, I’ve heard some rumors about William lately that are making me side-eye him hard.

    Huh? Where did I say anything about eliminating SS or Medicare? Of course I don’t think we should do that—it’s the GOP boomers who are trying to do that. I’d settle for getting back on board with the Paris Accord so my nieces and nephews have a future.

    I guess I agree. (Fuck the boomers.) (No offense to the good boomers out there, I’m just so angry at McConnell and Trump. I feel like the Hound yelling at the Mountain, “fucking DIE!!!”) I just feel so bad for the kids after us. At least I could graduate from college without a truly insane amount of debt. The boomers

    Say no more ;)

    Wait, what?! Bob Falfa is fiiiiiine in that hat.

    We’re still less effed than the millennials. They, and the generation after them, have been royally screwed by the boomers.

    I remember seeing In Search Of Noah’s Ark as a kid—it’s about the attempt to research if there are any remains of the ark on Mount Ararat. I remember loving it, budding history nerd that I was.

    I was just about to post the same thing! That shot is brilliant. And it doesn’t hit you over the head with it, it’s quite subtle. Terrific, and very dark (oh my Lord, the subplot with Tony’s friend whose GF is pregnant...!). Great movie and Travolta richly deserved his Oscar nod.

    Darklighter, not Darksider [/nerd]

    I agree with every word of this (also a royal follower, also an Episcopalian!). I had such high hopes for this match and its implications in Britain but the garbage I’ve witnessed in social media about her—it’s horrific, it’s utterly vile. The misogyny that Kate faced, plus the racism. You were warned, British press. A

    Great reply but one little nitpick:

    This season, The Crown has backed—or at least has young Prince Charles apparently fully buying into—the fiction that the Duke of Windsor was forced to abdicate because he was just too much a rebel, man, he wanted to modernize the monarchy and the suits just wouldn’t have it. (Utter nonsense, of course—David would’ve

    I love it. Good for them. Harry has a decent inheritence anyway from his mother and this is the ultimate middle finger to the tabloids. Now they can’t use their racist framing of her to sell their garbage papers. Free Meghan and Harry (and little Archie)!

    David’s full name is Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David. That’s quite the mouthful!

    This is true. Fergie and Andrew (barf) getting married was seen as quite progressive at the time for the BRF, because it was known that Fergie had had previous serious boyfriends. Whereas poor Diana had her uncle (?) announce to the press “Diana, I can assure you, has never had a lover.”

    Guess the space slug doesn’t need to breathe.

    Supreme Chancellor: He became so horny... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his erection, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice bonered him in his sleep. Plagueis never saw it coming. Ironic. He could save others from limpdick, but

    Ooh, I had one of those for The X-Files. Very loving nitpicking and it was funny as hell.

    Great analysis. I don’t understand those who dismiss the Canto Bight section of TLJ—that is all about Finn’s arc. When he first meets Rose, he’s trying to run away. His sole allegiance is to his friend, Rey, and his own safety, even though Rose sees him as a hero to the Resistance. Fast forward to when Phasma calls