All I can say wow this game is good.. Such fun and fluid combat
All I can say wow this game is good.. Such fun and fluid combat
0 was so great! I almost bought it again on PC.
No third party sales info for the Switch? Curious to see how other games sold like Mario Rabbids.
I always did assume trickle down economics meant rich people peeing on the rest of us.
Cool stuffs..
Oooo I will try For Honor, thats a good month.
As someone who has worked in various sizing studios in the video game industry, this sounds nice but only because they all have similar goals and ideas.
Must be a super stressful job on both ends, they did what they had to. Can’t always be super polite.
I played it on Xbox, was such a fun experience, was on sale too.
Demand is too high, cease all production, we did not want this to be actually popular!
Thats exactly what Trumpsters want, someone who can be controlled through monies!
Hopefully its more exciting than the first DLC..
Jigglypuff!! i wants it :(
Since Silent hills was mentioned.. I will say Yakuza 0 was pretty great. I felt really bad for Goro..
Nintendo approved Nekopara ?
Statepolice: Well you see, your black daugther got in the way of a white man’s truck, so we’re going to charge her with obstructing traffic. Please do not allow your children to bother the whiteys.
It stinks!
See now thats what I want in E3, a nice big page of what the game is, not some CG trailers and 0 gameplay. Now I can see what they are offering, and whether or not I want to pre-order.
My 7 year old daughter loved the new kirby so I cant diss it.
I thought it already was a cess-pool!