
They’ll show us all and end up beating New York and winning the season!

Oh god really.. its that bad... How long does it take to make a crackdown game, they were never really great..

My friends used to get so pissed at me for doing this and other Mario kart tricks like that. Not my fault they couldnt do it !

Harvest Moon on the PS4!!!!

After Fallout 4 and the porting of skyrim to every console without fixing anything, Im not really excited to see another fallout...

I like Assassin’s Creed Origins way of doing it. You can buy some loot boxes with in game money, or you can just buy whatever you want with real money, mostly cosmetic stuff. I bought a horsey skin that I thought was cool.

Can teachers request some hazard pay then since they could be killed at any time?

Leave it to the states... unless they disagree with us then Executive Order time!!!

I wonder why she thinks this is “her country”..

Can we crowdfund to buy this kid a shirt?

I played this game more than I did XCom 2... I know I know but come on, they are so cute.

We need to teach our daughters to say No, outright No. If you’re not having it, slip away, say No, leave. Society teaches women not to make waves, to be quiet and its not so bad but if you don’t like a situation, everyone needs to feel like they can say No and walk away without getting hurt.

They probably have to see how much the tech can handle before announcing anything.

Sir are you carrying any explosives? Yes.. I mean no, damnit, I mean no, no.. no explosives.

Even if you are afraid of a suspect taking your gun, cant you shoot them in the leg or somewhere else that wont kill the person.. Cops are supposed to be trained to use guns right...

Little Witch Academia!!!

That perfect charge on zarya at the end too, oh boys I wish I could time them so be so good.. I just go right off the cliffs.

Nooooo stop making me paranoid!.... Nothing is going to happen to you Zelda and Mario saves.. its okay... Xenoblade meh I dont love you as much.

I still can’t believe its a thing we will actually be able to hold...

I didn’t really buy the Switch for the Virtual Console. It would have been nice but like the article says, its so random that it wasn’t really that good. Back to Donkey Kong.