Captain Rex Shot First

Give Rebels a go next if you can. It has a nice story to tell and continues some stories from Clone Wars. 

I’ve been updating my resume since being laid off last week. Looking at jobs in the “essentials” job markets, getting interviews arranged. Trying to stay calm and focused through all of this. It helps that I’ve been having a bi-weekly meeting with a career counselor since I’ve been wanting to change professions for a

Because time and time again consumers have shown that they will buy what Bethesda sells. 

Oh I don’t think so 

What else is there to do when Univision is looking to slash up to 35% of Gizmodo Media’s workforce?

Revisiting Fallout 4 and watching time pass until Far Cry 5 releases on Tuesday

Why did The A.V. Club interview an ostrich?

Has Hillarly Clinton ever blamed herself for losing to Trump?

It’s ok. I gave it my star instead.

The A.V. Club

I’ll be replaying KoTOR on my phone as I fly out to Montana for my vacation. Its been years since I’ve played it yet I still love the impact it had on me and my relationship with StarWars.

He’s joining the ranks of great actors like Scott Baio, Rob Schneider and Tim Allen in getting some of that sweet sweet internet exposure to parlay into more acting roles.