
NOTES FROM THE GRAYS: “Wow lol. Cry babies all of you”

You’d think it was rocket science. I’m sure it’s a troll.

You are wrong that the core of the Dem Party is what was ignored. You’re theory is faulty. HRC received the majority of voters who make less than $49K a year. Not Trump. His average voter made $90K or greater. This was not a blue-collar issue — this was a gender issue and a white supremacy issue. While you can

Obama should stay on US soil. Reduces the chances President Bannon will order a drone strike on him.

I began to miss Former President Obama last November when we found out who the idiot who was going to follow him was.

And now Trumpolini has an unsecured android phone he tweets on. Crickets. All I hear.

Don’t forget, a lot the same people marching and asking where BHO and HRC went, are the ones who were all in for an unqualified white guy who insisted that both sides were the same and was against any good the Democrats have done in thirty years too.

The same worthless turd who can’t be bothered to say bad things about

They avoided one racist bag of shit, so we can excuse them for Nixon, Reagan, W and Trump.

Yeah, time for them to pull on by their bootstraps and leave Pres.Obama and HRC alone. They were talking smack, here come the consequences!

If I were Obama I’d show up to every official event in the most colorful Kenyan garb possible.

Spelling error sells this.

I agree. Let the fuckers eat their own chosen shit. We could have been more but some chose this. Best part is, we still bask in the previous president. How long will it last?

I totally just googled Kenya to see if it actually had a cost.

I don’t think you understand: she had a private email server!

It’s very disheartening, in general, that people who do have sound moral reasons for their beliefs don’t understand the compromises that have to be made in a democratic society. They think that compromise is going “against their conscience,” but then don’t concede how that facilitates something like this.

It was so frustrating to see so many comments disclaimed with “I’m not a Hillary fan, but” or “She’s a flawed (read: not perfect, because perfection was required for her while minimum competency levels went out the window for the other side) candidate, but,” it was the progressive version of some cool girl nonsense.

So much yes to everything. Hillary and Obama don’t use us a goddamn thing right now. To even ask is petulant.

I also worry it will stifle any new leadership emerging. We need fresh new faces seriously those two owe us nothing.

people checking for Hillary?