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They deny it, but its the best gig those reporters ever got.

Why no io9 cross post?

For the rest of us, we have to wait 30 minutes between dong and booby shots.

"Cater to your mate's pleasures and desires, be it fried chicken or a foot massage" and "Hold your tongue for the day and offer compliments rather than criticisms,"

She's perfectly suitable to cover Mumbai cricket matches

Like the War on Terror, it started out promising but then descended into calamity. Admittedly not surprising.

Did something happen in the ping pong world that I wasn't aware of?

I really wish the cup is filled with urine.

Remember there's crying in sports writing. But feel free to wave a gun around.

Jezebel is offering a prize for "creative genius and dry wit". I really want a scarf.

-"Can I wear the suit?"

Could jezebel send Irin to go beat up Judah Friedlander?

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"Don't worry, I'm gay." I should use that excuse more often. Might not work with children.

Needs more netball players.

If it looks like an ogre, and sounds like an ogre then it's an ogre.

Mmmm, gummi Venus de Milo

US Steel vs WTO & Mittal