The 'Association for Women in Sports Media' just wanted to publish images of hot chicks on the website.
The 'Association for Women in Sports Media' just wanted to publish images of hot chicks on the website.
Watch out, the boomerang is coming back.
Bro, bro, its raining!
"According to another female reporter who was there ..."
Found the ad. All it took was "NBL ad".
@ilrisorgimento: Even if you're married, you're still a groupie.
The world needs #johnterrystorycorner
This means that pegging is gay?
Pics of Wayne Rooney partying with hookers have surfaced.
@YankeeLoverARodHater: Worst hooker ever
@they call me ginger: Like this
Bo and Sara
@LittlestCrazy: Yes
@trunicated: 49ers started the game with -3.5 points. In a 13-10 scenario the result for degenerate gamblers would be that the 49ers lost 9.5-10
Glory of Love
Theres a Deadspin writer who does regular work with Penthouse.
She only got that job 'cause shes hot.