
Curious as to why does the culture has to change? Because you don’t like it? Is it so horrible that attractive people of a certain race wish to hang out with people of similar interests? You don’t have to join. I hate this idea of diversity/inclusion because it insists that every person has to participate. That’s

Diversity is the biggest lie the PC crowd tells us.

I don’t like this current atmosphere where anybody that says anything offensive to anybody is drummed out of society. Seems like we would solve more problems if we were able to have an intelligent discussion in response to Cowherd’s comments.

so no Verizon? Jeez, I am learning to really loathe Big Red.

Would have preferred Sasheer Zamata rather than Leslie Jones, but it does look like a heck of a cast....

yeah, it was $15/month, but you got to keep $10 worth of music every month, so you were really only paying $5 to stream. To me, that deal was never beaten by any competitors. Plus, and this is just my opinion, Zune HD and Zune beat the pants off iPod and iTunes.

This. This x 1,000. Zune really kicked iTunes butt. A shame the public is so closed minded. If Apple had come out with the ZunePass, Tech journalists would have died of a massive orgasm.

seriously! the ZunePass was and still is the best deal in media!

Am I alone in wishing MSFT would make an iPod shuffle like device to work out with? I really don’t want to work out with my big ol’ Lumia strapped to my arm. Maybe add mp3 and bluetooth audio functionality to the next Microsoft Band?

I feel personally connected to this article because I recently owned a 2012 Ruby Red 3.6R Outback. Best car I’ve ever owned, and the only ex-car I truly miss.

Homosexuality may be tolerated, but it sure as hell shouldn’t be celebrated. I don’t care who you wish to partner with, I’m just tired of it being shoved in my face.

That’s a coincidental fact about the flag, because many of the black victims of racist Americans weren’t really the victims of racism, but their own poor choices in responding to Police.

we will always have bigotry. we will always have racism. we are human beings. just accepting that fact would get us further down the road than pretending we are unified, or to continue telling the lie of diversity.

your dad is the exception. BlackBerries are known for their reliability and toughness. I’ve had 10 or so since 2007-ish and 1 has never failed me.

FWIW, the BlackBerry, in my opinion, has the best virtual keyboard in Mobile. Windows Phone 8.1 a close second.

because they make incredibly well built and handsome devices that do what they are intended to do-communication (i.e. e-mail and texting)- extremely well. In fact, to this day, there is no other device on the planet that does this as well as a BlackBerry.

I have had a few BB10 phones and a few recent Windows Phones. Both are common in the fact that the OS itself was awesome and really fun to use, they just couldn’t get apps to be written for them. Just like webOS, a platform will ultimately die due to lack of attention from devs.

so Mel Gibson couldn’t possibly be a good action film actor because he’s an “anti Semitic loon”? what does one have to do with the other?

My take away from all this is how bad I want to be the electrical guitarist wailin’ away on my ax after the apocolypse.

regardless....I still miss the Apple rainbow logo. Wish they’d bring that and colored computers back.