
I don’t understand why the Police won’t shoot people looting and tearing stuff up? I fully support people’s right to assemble and protest, but if you torch a building or loot a Best Buy, you should run the risk of being shot.

It seems to me that the people who have the deepest mistrust of the Police also seem to be the people our society has the deepest mistrust in.

Totally unrelated to Word and Excel: But dang, I wish Apple still made a black MacBook. The dark shadows on the MacBook in the pic made it look like the black model from yesteryear.

Been several months and I'm STILL banned. Jeez.

I got banned by "The Verge" by a bot for disagreeing with one of their race baiting articles during the Michael Brown/Ferguson debacle. What made me mad was, other than disagreeing with the author and correcting facts, I didn't feel there was anything ban worthy in my post. Second, they told me (via auto response)

I bought an HP Chromebook about six months ago. It's my favorite laptop. If all you do is cruise the net, or light productivity work, they can't be beat.

do you have young kids? The Camera now means a great deal to me to catch my young child when I don't have a dedicated point and shoot around. Very frustrating when you have a shit camera on your phone.

Are they gonna make a Windows Phone version?

"You have a slightly faster processor, a slightly bigger battery, and an extra 1GB of RAM. Really only the camera gets a huge overhaul."

Does the Toshiba have a backlit keyboard?

Hell, I'd be happy if they just took a Samsung Chromebook and slapped a little bit better screen and a backlit keyboard on it. I'd give $500 for it.

David Spade was doing his Hollywood Minute skit on Weekend Update and this is right after Eddie had a movie flop (I think it was the Golden Child). He showed a pic of Eddie in the movie and said "Hey look kids...a falling star".

Scott Van Pelt

"Mike Ditka: A brisket that's been sitting out for a day"

Ah. Recognize those Vict clamps from the oil field. Good stuff. Very hardy.

SVP is one of a few guys (along with Neil Everett) that ESPN knows are dorks, yet keeps trying to pass off as hip and cool. I ain't buyin', Bristol. I ain't buyin'.

I love the DP Show. Insightful, interesting, and they don't take themselves too seriously. Cowherd gets on my nerves. He's one of those guys that keeps trying to convince you he's the smartest guy in the room.

Twelve year employee of a Class 1 railroad here.

I didn't realize the Arizona memorial had that big of an oil slick. I knew the oil was slowly leaking, but I didn't realize it was that pronounced.

She had to get up. She was holding a sign that said "stand up".