
that was my fave scene, too Daveinva!

I was about to ask if they had stopped suffocating the pilots. Guess that would be a big fat NO. :(

your brother is in the minority.

I can. Cops shoot to kill, they don't shoot to wound. He was a large guy. I bet he took the first two or three unfazed. The Cop kept shooting till he fell.

Darren Wilson felt differently. As will ANY jury in Missouri.

I never said the cop knew he was a robbery suspect. I said that he WAS a robbery suspect, which you and I both know he robbed the store ,so "suspect" is just being kind. He WAS, however, stopped for walking down the middle of the street like an idiot, and chose to assault a cop. The fact that blacks think they can

I love how he is always referred to as the "unarmed black kid", when "idiot who robbed a convenience store and assaulted a Cop" explains why he got shot so much better.

Ecoboost? Never again. Google "Ecoboost service bulletins". Bleh.

I like how all they say is "unarmed black kid". But I guess "convenience store robbery suspect that was assaulting and injuring a cop for telling him not to walk down the middle of the street" doesn't quite fit the narrative of "blacks are eternal victims and blameless" does it?

no, it was pretty much funny wherever you consider Favre to be from. :)

This. I have a beautiful 60" HDTV and a comfy La-Z-Boy to watch as much football as I can stand. Another positive, the only chance I have of being beaten up in my restroom is if my wife catches me leaving the seat up.

Props for calling out Google's inmature, childish actions toward MSFT.

well, to be fair, he is in the end zone. very few Cowboys footballs end up in the end zone.

I love pics from the 50's when it was just a bunch of middle class white people in L.A. Looked like a nice, clean place to live.

Schottenheimer, Jay Gruden, and Kyle Shanahan are all sucking off the deeds of relatives. Sad there is so much nepotism in the NFL.

but why is it racist to ensure that you continue to live with people like you?

I feel like they would have had to have named it the Crusader 2 after the F-8 Crusader, which I feel it bears a striking resemblance to, with the enormous intake below the chin....just my 2 cents.

easily the best moment. easily.

I'm for Harley doing anything different from their current "let's mix and match parts from our warehouse and call it a new bike. Then overprice the hell out of it"

My fave scene was at the 3:50 mark showing Griffith Observatory. Beautiful!!!