Wow. What a tone-deaf comment. And incorrect as well - she did go to the police. And it’s Title IX. But why let facts get in the way!
Wow. What a tone-deaf comment. And incorrect as well - she did go to the police. And it’s Title IX. But why let facts get in the way!
Ah, thank God. I was wondering how this whole thing could turn out to be Hernandez’s fault.
It wouldn’t matter if Planned Parenthood stopped doing abortions, The end-game for anti-choice groups isn’t ending abortion.
Those people he killed were parents of kids as well so he actually left several children motherless and/or fatherless.
So are the GOP and religious leaders that put those thoughts in his head.
sandoval is a yes but also i feel like he’s the kind of guy to pull the American Psycho doggy-with-mirror-so-he-can-flex-at-himself move while boning
Schwartz and Katie seem like they were assigned to each other by Bravo, to play “a couple.” There’s no chemistry there on either end.
Auto-Play is really, REALLY, REALLY not ok! I just clicked on this article and immediately had Jax blaring about boobs play out loud TO MY CLASS OF 7TH GRADE STUDENTS.
So you can put aside that he would probably give you an STD, record the encounter without your knowledge and then try to sleep with every female relative and friend of yours under the age of 30? ;)
“The white fucking Kanye West,” is perhaps the unsexiest thing a person can say. Also proof of dangerous levels of megalomania.
No, I said if you don’t “get it,” not if you don’t “like” it. Two completely fucking different things. There’s lots of things that I don’t get but I like; there’s lots of things I don’t like but I get.
But that’s the thing - everyone is about to kill them, all the time, at least based on what they say every time they kill someone.
“I usually wake up at 6:30am,”
Why can’t tiny brained people understand the difference between a woman dressing like she knows she’s hot stuff and wanting to be sexualized? I mean, I think I answered my own question there. But, look, I love my boobs. Sometimes I wear certain things because to me it’s aesthetically pleasing. Doesn’t mean I want men…
Sexy woman looks sexy, as usual.
Two of these assaults took place on the bus.
All the love in the world to that girl. Why is it so hard to just be a decent human being?
I hope I’m wrong but I’m guessing she receives her fair share of slut shaming from the wives and girlfriends (‘why don’t you cover up then?’ ‘Or maybe don’t dress like a stripper or porn star!’ Etc). I doubt all recipients respond this way but I can imagine many would lash out in embarrassment or hurt or shock (at…
Because their lives aren’t hard enough already. Haha let’s force these kids into having children they’re not able to provide for and don’t want.