West Coast Lass

Ryan was given a medical discharge, not a dishonourable one. I recall him making a point of telling Amber that in the hospital. Not that I think he'd get visitation rights, and, to be fair, I don't think he'd fight for them that hard if Amber didn't want him around.

Agree. Drew is annoying, Natalie is uninteresting, and the two together have no chemistry. Which is amazing given that Drew has chemistry with everyone/thing else.

Peet: "You're a family man, Joel."
Joel: "Doh! That's right! Must go to Braverman family."
Had Julia but known that she just had to remind her husband that he was a family man to whack some sense into him.

Hank was hers before Max claimed him though.

You could file divorce papers first. "Separated" is such a weird limbo of a relationship status.

Isn't Mr. Knight a teacher at her own kids' school? Her daughter and Crosby's son were in the same school play, and Jabar and Max ate lunch together every day for a while. It's still that school, isn't it?

Julia needs to tell Joel about Mr. Knight before he moves back in. Her share-cheating was a big part of the reason why Joel moved out. And Joel needs to accept that he gave her the freedom to do that with his last speech to her, but she needs to come clean.

Julia continues to make really bad decisions. The last scene with Ed and teaser with some hookup are dispiriting. If she really wants to save her marriage - and Joel is still worth it - she cannot possibly think it's a good idea to "see other people" - certainly not first.