
Good going, Chris! That’s a nice, real apology, and celebrity support is really helping to keep the pipeline in the news.

This is making it’s way around my timeline. I hope he’s Native American.

Crazy me...I thought the important thing was for accusers to be able to identify their rapists!

So I guess blind people in general can commit any crime they want to, because they can’t identify their accusers? How convenient.

Funny? Or likely? I’m going to go with likely. Yet another reminder that dog-whistles have consequences.

Ah yes, Trump supporters committing fraud in order to combat the non-existent fraud they claim is already happening. How funny would it be if this year sees an all-time high for voter fraud, but all due to Republican voters?

What if, instead of invoking voter fraud as some self-fulfilling prophecy to erode people’s faith in the system, Trump ends up demonstrating the fidelity of the system when a bunch of idiots get caught trying to “unrig the system”, and face real jail time. I’d take that.

“They still do the sequence but are not affiliated with him anymore.” I don’t mean to be a yoga snob, but I am a total yoga snob. Why do they still do a 26 pose sequence created by someone who is obviously a small man? If you go to Iyengar classes, you will never do the same sequence twice in all your years, because

She said that she didn’t know at the time that the hospital was Catholic and that it was religious doctrine that was making them repeatedly turn her away. Do you think the nurses were telling her that she could get treatment if she went somewhere else? Not likely, because then they would be complicit in helping her

It’s easy to just say, “Find a way to pay” when you aren’t the one looking at a couple thousand dollars, if not a full five figures. Additionally, that assumes that she could get a ride that far away, which also costs money. And if she had kids, she would need to find childcare. On top of that, she is pregnant, sick,

This is something my HS history teacher said when his wife had gone through a literal life-threatening pregnancy. “If I have to choose between my wife or the baby...fuck the Church. I’m saving my wife.” (I also can’t imagine a HS teacher discussing shit like this in 2016. Hooray for the early 90s!)

The religion is founded on a very deeply held belief that women are guilty of sin. All sin. Any sin. If the baby is dying it’s because she did something or wrong or because the vessel itself is evil and will always be evil. Feminism and catholicism cannot coexist.

There aren’t any other hospital systems in that area, at least none that provide services related to pregnancy and birth. Muskegon isn’t that large of a place. In addition, her insurance may not have covered any other hospital system.

After moving to WI, signing up for health insurance luckily contained a subtle warning away from the plans run by the diocese here. Why are our tax dollars funding this madness?

I’m so glad you have an OB you can trust and who isn’t a fucking moron.

I am giving birth in a Catholic hospital in two months and I’m really afraid. I only agreed to it because the board of nurses defers to the OB, and my OB’s response to my concern was “they’re not in the room with me, I’ll tell them what I have to. Your life always comes first.”

I will never understand why it’s ok for a religion to run a fucking hospital.

They literally believe that it’s a woman’s obligation to die with her fetus if worst comes to worst. Bunch of sick fucks.

Yeah... I watched this a few days ago and when I got to this part I had to pause- take a deep breath, and walk away for a few hours and let the rage simmer down to a point that I could functionally watch the rest of the video.