
Since you’re not going to call the cops...where...where do you live? Exact address please, and also tell me when you’re going to be home, if you have any kids around, etc. Do you have some nice things at your house, as well?

This site has fallen steadily with respect to the content and quality of the bloggers that contribute to it. For the past few years it’s been a haven for snarky socialists who use the platform to push their leftist ideals every chance they get.

We’ve been in a depression since 2008, the pandemic making it even worse than it already was.

So basically you hate cars...and you comment on an auto enthusiast blog.

Kahn, either short the Exxon stock (thereby putting your money where your mouth is)...or shut the fuck up.

So are Native Americans culturally appropriating Europeans if they DON’T dress in native garb, and instead wear t-shirts/jeans/etc?

Justin Westbrook is the most economically illiterate person on staff. He has zero knowledge of business, what it takes to start one, run one, staff one, etc. Forget about concepts like depreciation, burdened overhead, fixed costs, taxation strategies, etc.; there’s no way in hell he can begin to understand that, so he

MotoGP is top tier motorsport. It is literally the highest form of racing on two wheels.

So...a huge, worldwide dip in emissions, and yet it did jack squat to stop climate change.

I’m holding all my oil stocks until this passes; I’ll be fine long-term. These people are clueless about economics, and they certainly don’t believe their drivel enough to invest in what they are preaching.  If they did, they would short the stock and make a killing, right?

Socialism has failed every single place it’s ever been tried; you are probably living quite comfortably in a capitalistic society. Beyond that, WTF is your point about injecting economic theory discussions into a thread with me challenging Funes to actually put her money where her ignorant mouth is?

I’ve got a shitload of oil stocks and I’m fucking killing it, dipshit.

Dude, this site and the majority of its readership has swung radical left over the past few years. The old Jalopnik is dead; these guys are basically SJW socialists who are professional victims. This is yet another example of that; we must assume that only POC abuse crack, and we certainly can’t pass judgement or make

If you had the slightest fucking idea what you were talking about, and actually BELIEVED what you wrote, you would short-sell every bit of oil company stock you could buy. Sell everything you can and short the stock, because according to you they’re on the ropes and are going under. You stand to make a killing with

This seems like a bad idea. For one, it is disrespectful to the residents and workers in the area who will have to deal with an influx of people who have no additional infrastructure to support them. It’s also dangerous.

Your overnight parts from Japan may be delayed because a shipping crew has effectively been held hostage at sea since April.

“...some super obvious fucked up capitalist scheme...”