Wes Luger

Interestingly enough, Deadspin’s own Tommy Craggs once wrote an article for Slate that compared Steph Curry strongly to Abdul-Rauf.

This is actually how The Division gets started. First Xbox Live goes down. So you switch to PC. Then your internet goes out so you switch to offline games. Then your power goes out so you read a book with a flashlight. Then your water dries up and supplies don’t get shipped to your city anymore so you divide into

$140 for a fucking coffee maker?

$140 for a fucking coffee maker?


Must sell, owner underwater!

If botting can give you a distinct advantage, then the game was never really competitive to begin with, it’s more a test of who can play the game the most hours while also getting lucky at RNG.

Blinx 2:

... you’re giving up on the single most repetitive franchise in AAA gaming because of the focus in the ad campaign? Makes sense.

As a media site that mainly thrives on making fun of other media sites.... you guys should probably not green light any more of these lame and unoriginal bits.

Watching Kobe endlessly pound the ball as the rest of the team stands around and watches is fun? Glad you mentioned that assist, as it was his only one all night. Meanwhile he went 0 for 8 in the 4th, so he did keep it close in a way.

Carlos Boozer wanted to grow his hair out but ended up with patchy bald spots so he would end up just shaving it all of, One of his teammates suggested that he use this product called Beijing that would cover the bald spots and make it look more natural, but it ended up looking like he had black shoe polish on his

Nah, I think it’s more to due with the fact that he’s a smarmy dickwaffle.

it happens more often than you’d think. Microsoft has, or at least had, stock in Apple and Sony is a major partner in the ownership of blu-Ray, which Microsoft is now using in the xbone...

i dont think many other companies get close as many support tickets as valve. i mean they deal with million of customers on a platform thats quite complex by itself (PCs).

It might not go down that often, but when it does, it goes down” That’s what she said...

Seems like this comes up at least once a year about this same “game”. the devs don’t expect anyone to buy or want to buy all this dlc. It’s a sim made for hardcore train lovers. Not really a game in the traditional sense. Most people into trains are into specific models of trains and would only buy those types so they

Having had a roommate in college who several times kept me up at night with stereotype fullfilling Xbox Live rants, I was under the impression that Gears of War shotguns have always been major bullshit one way or another.

The logic of people who use exploits like this baffles me:

So you’re the one.