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    Or if you don’t want a microphone in your house, don’t buy them, it’s okay. I promise, you don’t have to let us know in the comments!”

    Or if you don’t want a microphone in your house, don’t buy them, it’s okay. I promise, you don’t have to let us

    So salty.

    Lolololol ok.


    Lolololol ok.

    Has any deadspin blogger ever played basketball? 

    Relax lady. Your race-baiting is part of the problem with the country today.

    Lol. This guy sounds like a perv who’s mad at someone using “footsie” incorrectly.

    Boom, roasted.

    Probably should have run it.

    Urban Meyer is a turd, but he’s your turd. He’s the only reason your school has been relevant since the old ball coach left. You can’t pretend you’re better than Urban Meyer.



    I’m curious what those words are now. 

    You tried.

    Biilly is a bad soccer blogger.


    People like you are more racist than the racists you're so salty about. 

    Better check your blood pressure with all of this salt in your diet.

    Quick question that I think I already know the answer to - has Gabe Fernandez ever played soccer?