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    Miller was ahead, with Felix closing fast. Allyson might have won if it was 110 meters.

    Cool preview. So where’s the actual video?

    “arrogant privileged white boys”

    all the whites and males is bad!

    lol. it’s just you and a few fringe weirdos, yeah.

    it’s fabulous!

    should i know who dexter fowler is/was?

    $50 an article and the ability to work from home.

    zach lowe is great, but let’s be honest - there’s no such thing as a superstar reporter outside of your daydreams.

    cool story, bro.

    not “taked”?

    nobody knew any better?

    well-written response by mr. ekakitie.

    stupid complaint is stupid.



    “Kaine seems completely nonplussed by this.”

    Why is this lady obsessed with “interesting”?

    You’re the worst.
