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    It’s funny because of the brain damage!

    Err, crypto-racist?

    You aren’t wrong.

    Cool story, bro.

    Meh. If you have to explain it. ..

    Trying too hard.

    Is that in the Ivy League?

    That’s nuts.

    Blocks the wind.

    Cuts down on the wind, I imagine.

    Meanwhile, the Cobb County Barves are 32-60.

    I’m just glad someone at Deadspin figured out what a bicycle kick is.

    Cool story!

    You know a guy who went to the US and he had to sign his credit card receipt?

    Baby go smash!

    No. Just no.


    Never had a stalker obsessed with me before. This is fun! Do you think about my dreamy eyes when you sleep?

    I guess we’re ignoring the fact that she said “growing area”, not “groin area".

    I get the feeling that Sargent knows quite a bit about masturbation.