Wes Lawson

Barry's gonna win. He absolutely deserves it, but it's also a smart political play in the likely scenario that La La Land wins BP, because then they can throw meat to the #OscarsSoWhite crowd by giving one of the top prizes to Moonlight and getting "first black director to win!" checked off.


uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whathehell?

*Republicans weather complaints, go back to Congress after recess and continue fucking shit up unimpeded*

The remake really emphasized how well these two worked together, and how difficult it was to try to recreate the dynamic. Julianne Moore did fine (although she didn't hit the levels of batshit crazy Laurie did), but Chloe Grace Moretz was too self-assured and, honestly, too pretty to play Carrie. It played more like a

I've always wondered if Supporting Actor/Actress comes early on in the ceremony because it's almost always a lock. Looking at post-2000 winners for Actor, there's only a couple that were upsets.

I think Hidden Figures would have been the clear winner in any other year. In addition to your points, it was a true story, a diversity/social issue story, and the rare "hey, this is actually really good" assemblage of the Oscar movie tropes. I don't think it'll win, but I think it would be the rare winner that

The comparison for me was that I loved both, but I walked out of La La Land thinking "that was one of the best movies I've seen this year," and I walked out of Moonlight thinking "I can't think of a better movie I've seen this decade."

I'm so glad my days of movie theater employment ended before the advent of post-credit stingers. When you have 30 minutes from the time the credits start to get everyone out, clean, get the next audience in, and get to the next theater, and it's opening weekend and the theater is trashed every single showtime because

I'm amazed people drink stuff like this after their early 20s. Not in a douchey, hipster way, but in a "how can your stomach handle all that sweetness?" way. My throat clenches up just thinking about 99 Bananas and Pucker.

That was indeed a beautiful interpretation of a beautiful movie.

The last time Adam Sandler did a period piece was The Wedding Singer, one of his only good movies, so…. nah, there's no way this is good.

Say what you will about his acting - most actors would kill for a resume like Keanu's. There's maybe a dozen stone-cold classics, another dozen that are at least pretty good.

That Crazy Kids thing is this entire story in a nutshell.

And here I was thinking we had nine more months before the annual "Is Love Actually a Christmas classic or literal diarrhea?" debate kicked up again.

Vallee seems to have found his niche with "not amazing, but better than you expect" prestige dramas.

Now we just need that guy on Twitter's idea for a gay romcom with Jason Momoa as a crusty mechanic and Oscar Isaac as a stuffy English professor to come to fruition.

OBVIOUS METAPHOR CORNER: iceberg wedge salads with bleu cheese are a staple of steakhouses that purport to be high-end, but aren't (Outback, Lone Star, Ruth Chris).

I mean, can anyone blame him? In a time when superhero movies are a license to print money, you hitch your wagon to an iconic superhero with the guarantee that you'll star in several movies, direct one and get paid handsomely…. and then the first one just completely, utterly sucks, with no indication that they'll get

I used to donate plasma in college, and a guy dumped me because he thought I was a heroin addict.