Wes Lawson

This echoes my feelings on Kevin Smith's Instagram post about Jay and Silent Bob 2. "Clerks 3 didn't go because one of the stars said no, Mallrats got rejected by all the networks, my last few movies didn't appeal to anyone outside hardcore fans… well, back to squeeze blood out of another stone!"

Adventures in Babysitting ripoffs pay waaaaaaay better than Southern gothic chamber dramas.

Rule: never have substantial engagement with someone over a piece of art if they haven't consumed it.

The Riddick thing irrationally bugs me. Wiki says Grey is 27/28 in the books, and if he's the same age in the movie, he would have been 16 the year that movie came out (2004). As someone who was 16 in 2004, that poster would be Spider-Man or Lord of the Rings - hell, it could have been Van Helsing, also a 2004

One of those will work once we're out of the current cycle, and one won't. You'll never guess which is which!

So we're cool with Warren now? I can never keep track.

It was also smart to end the book at the premiere, and only pay passing mention to the cult it inspired. All too often, books like that seem to get bogged down in "little did we know" moments (see: the book about the Spider-Man musical), but Sestero and Bissell knew to leave all that shit out, because the story is

This, and really, there's no way this movie cost more than $30 million to make, so even if it tanks, it's not gonna be a huge loss.

The Born This Way tour featured upside-down crosses, black Jesus, a song about fucking Judas and Gaga emerging from a giant pregnant stomach. If anything, she's toned down the Satanism.

I look forward to the Beyhive complaining that Beyoncé, who at 20 wins and 62 nominations is the most-nominated and second-most awarded female artist in Grammy history, was robbed.

Twitter Rule Of Thumb: unless they're an aggregator, don't follow anyone with over 75k tweets. No one is that interesting, and argumentative accounts on both sides with numbers in that range tend to repeat themselves a LOT.

I finally got around to Sunshine Cleaning, since I'll watch anything with Amy Adams or Emily Blunt. It was disappointing - a great concept at its core, but it felt like the writer laid several half-formed screenplay ideas on top of it and never bothered to finish them.

I did too.

The Ring is one of the only horror movies I can recall seeing with an audience that was genuinely terrified by it. Most theatrical horror movies have loud audiences, but it's more screaming at jump scares, laughing with your friends, covering your eyes, etc. kind of stuff. There was some of that with The Ring too, but

EDIT: I had a question and totally missed that the review addressed it. So… anyone else running out the clock at work?

"Goddamn kids with their Samaras popping out of iPhones. Back in MY day, she gave you 7 days on VHS and a landline, goddammit, and she was perfectly fine slithering out of a CRT TV!"

These movies are weird. I love acapella, I love cheesy musicals, and I love the cast, and yet they were both slogs.

Like that Weird Al boxset, this is cool, but not $400 cool.

There's been a few lefty critiques of her (notably bell hooks, linked below). There was also some displeasure when she was silent on the anti-gay legislation going down in Houston a while back, given that gay men helped put her where she is. And of course, she got razzed during her stint as an actress, because she was

I played a Nazi in The Sound of Music in middle school and Anne Frank in high school. There's backstage photos of me in costume, and although they've never been digitized, every time I flip through the old photo albums, I think, "man, if I or anyone I know ever runs for office, these are going to come up."