I had a similar experience with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies both times I saw the trailer. When it played before Daddy's Home, the title reveal got a bigger audience laugh than anything in the movie.
I had a similar experience with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies both times I saw the trailer. When it played before Daddy's Home, the title reveal got a bigger audience laugh than anything in the movie.
Terrific little thriller with a great ending.
You are not.
Flatliners is actually a good candidate for reboot, as it's a great concept for a movie, but the original doesn't quite work. A remake could presumably fix the problems, but it probably won't. Such is life.
To add, I also appreciated that the people involved in Flint and the people at the Oscars weren't super douchey to each other about it. Normally when there's something of real world consequence happening at the same time as something entertaining and fluffy, you get a torrent of "STOP CARING ABOUT THIS FRIVOLOUS THING…
To this day, I wonder who signed off on the CGI for the scene where the plane crashes. Did they run out of money? Did they run out of time? Did they just not care? Why do I care so much?
They mention that in this article multiple times, and devote at least two paragraphs to it.
Yes, hence why I said "almost all" (Toy Story 3 is also an acceptable answer).
The opening paragraph nails an underlying issue with almost all the remakes and years later sequels: movies are a product of the cultural and historical period from which they emerge, so making late sequels and remakes means you can get the general broad outlines of a work, but you miss the things that you can't…
I am a big fan. I have seen her live multiple times. I even enjoyed her last album. I don't think she walks on water. I am perfectly OK with people shitting on her in internet comment sections, because I am an adult.
Agador Spartacus!… He insists on being called by his full name.
For some reason I always equate John Hillcoat and Andrew Dominik in my mind, probably because they both caught my attention with absolutely incredible Westerns (Proposition and Jesse James), and then made crime movies that weren't bad, per se, but exactly how you described it, sort of "eh, there's good stuff here, but…
John Hillcoat and Guy Pearce is a truly underrated director/actor combo. Even in The Road, which Pearce is in for about three minutes, you get the sense of two people who know exactly what they want from each other.
Margaret Cho used to have a bit about how when she was developing a sitcom about her life at CBS, a network exec told her that she was too fat to play herself, and that the whole thing should be "less ethnic."
I have a weird thing with Mitch Hedberg.
I've only seen a few episodes and the movie, but this is what bugs me the most about the victims I've seen. When I was in the internet dating pool, the longest I went between initial conversation and meeting the person was a month. There are people on the show who have been talking to the catfish for YEARS before…
Jasper (Robert Keith): It's about time you got hitched, isn't it?
Mitch (Rock Hudson): No, I-I have trouble enough finding oil.
My main takeaway from the pilot was that Rust and Arfin definitely helped to rein in Apatow's tendency to meander and improvise, but still fell prey to some of his "I'm rich and successful and out of touch" tendencies. Like, if you're going to give us characters this close to the ground, don't make them a tutor for a…
I was taking it on the basis of the parenthetical after that sentence above, and I guess you could argue that Sony not promoting the albums under a different producer is speculative. But on the other hand, come on. She's accusing one of their most successful producers of rape. It's going to come up every time she puts…
I don't know all of the intricacies of the law involved in this case, but I'm not sure how any judge could look at the list of singles Dr. Luke is responsible for, and the list of singles Kesha has, and say that the idea that Sony is more invested in their business relationship with Dr. Luke than with Kesha is…