Wes Lawson

Director Has Trademark Shot, Thematic Interest Across Multiple Films.

Can we instead discuss how totally fucking gay Man of Steel was? Between the dildo pods and Henry Cavill looking like a Guys With Sweatpants reject and Clark Kent literally coming out of a closet and the presence of Christopher Meloni, that movie did nothing to dispel someone's future senior thesis about Zack Snyder

Yeah, that's the thing - with probably half of these, if you watch them in context, the interviewers are asking stupid/shitty/offensive/inappropriate questions, and the stars are totally in the right to get upset.

To wash away the awkward of this one, watch Dustin Hoffman laughing his ass off after a misunderstood question during the Sphere press tour:

I wouldn't say I liked it, as I barely remember it now, but as unnecessary remakes go, it was watchably competent. Its issue was how much of it was just a straight retread of the original, a problem that practical effects aren't going to fix.

To liberally twist an Ebert quote, a teen sex comedy where the horny straight male protagonists fuck each other while also attempting to score chicks would be box office suicide, and would also be thought-provoking and artistically challenging, and might even make a good movie.

"Much like the Bechdel Test, this doesn’t necessarily result in a correlation between how inclusive a film is and how “good” it is, but it is a startling reminder of how far Hollywood and filmmakers have left to go in achieving racial diversity in their movies."

In a similar vein, I've sometimes wondered what would happen if I pulled out my old Gamecube and loaded up Animal Crossing. Ten years later, would everyone be dead? Would the entire town be covered in overgrowth? Would Tom Nook still be a little shit?

In addition to not being funny and being pretty tasteless given the true story, it bugged the shit out of me that the movie made time for all these Apatowian comic riff scenes with Aziz Ansari, when the central fucking premise was that the protagonist had a bomb strapped to his chest. Like, you're really going to take

If nothing else, it's one of my favorite childhood theatrical experiences. I was 7, out of my mind excited, went to the theater opening night with my dad, the lights go down, the dude screams "MORTAL KOMBAT!" and the sold-out audience went absolutely batshit and didn't let up until the credits rolled. So much fun.

For those people like me who aged out of TGIF during the season where Sabrina was attempting to discover what the "Spellman family secret" was, Wiki informs me that it was "Every member of the Spellman family is born with a twin."

It will never not crack me up to see the male actors of the new Star Wars movie out promoting it, and Adam Driver standing there looking dejected as the human-panty-dropper Oscar Isaac and the pretty-damn-good-looking John Boyega draw all the female and gay male eyes in the room.

The makers of this one are probably counting on no one remembering Antitrust, which is a good assumption. I had completely forgotten about it until just this moment. It had the instantly-dated-early-2000's casting of Claire Forlani and Rachel Leigh Cook as the love interests!

For a couple of years in elementary school, I would come home and watch the Fox (?) after-school block, which was Power Rangers and Family Matters reruns. I still have no idea why those two shows were paired together. I also have almost no memory of anything that happened on either show ever.

I've seen Aaron Carter at Market Days in Chicago a couple of times, and considering that he goes on in the middle of the afternoon to a sparse crowd, half of whom are there ironically, I'm impressed that he still seems to have a good energy and isn't totally bored singing an array of half-forgotten bubblegum pop over

Kevin Hart derp da derp da teetley tum!

This comment thread is sure to be rational and not-at-all confrontational!

Set It Off is pretty great, and doesn't often get mentioned in appraisals of his work.

During a particularly desperate chunk of my nine-month unemployed stretch after grad school, I answered an ad for an "administrative assistant" job for a company on Craigslist (yes, I know, but I had seen their office in town and the name didn't pull up any red flags on Google, so surely it's on the level, right?) I

No mention of the infamous Tiny Toons "One Beer" episode, the message episode that was so sarcastic that Nickelodeon refused to air it? For shame.