I also enjoy Patton's Two Dumbest Cunts takedown, which also includes some good tips for dealing with movie theater talkers: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I also enjoy Patton's Two Dumbest Cunts takedown, which also includes some good tips for dealing with movie theater talkers: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
Holy fuck, that kid. It is really, really hard to get into a horror movie when the child at its center is so annoying that you hope the monster fucking kills him so the movie can end.
He did it last summer too, and wrote about it for TIME. His reasoning for doing it isn't horrible, but the way he describes what he learned from the experience is just the fart-smellingest self aggrandizement. And he's basically doing the same thing he made fun of other people for doing in his bit about how all of his…
Agreed. The trend of writing thousand-word thinkpieces vilifying movies we haven't seen for whether they do or don't accurately represent events or whitewash facts is really detrimental to criticism. And really, it's not even criticism at all, just masturbation.
Knight makes a good point in that he really hasn't been in all that much, mostly character actor work and supporting roles on a couple sitcoms. But goddamn, talk about some iconic fucking parts. Dude's agent earned his pay.
"Everyone on Twitter makes the same five jokes about Republicans over and over again. Here's Patton Oswalt telling those five jokes."
We watched this in my History of Black Images in Film class in college. It was not one of the more lighthearted days in that class.
This was, in part, my mother's chief complaint about the movie - she couldn't suspend disbelief and accept the premise because "their parents are paying thousands of dollars and these kids aren't learning anything!"
"I have neglected poor little Nuts, Zoe's Boston terrier. Nuts follows her everywhere, and whenever he gets a closeup, he barks appropriately, as if he understands what is said. When was the last time in a movie where somebody said something, and there was a cut to a dog who barked, and you thought, "That's so funny!…
A fair point. One thing I appreciated on the DVD is that they provided the raw footage, mostly uninterrupted, of about a dozen of the comedians featured in the movie telling the joke. I remember Bob Saget's in particular benefitting from not having a bunch of cuts (and it added a funny moment when he has to go on…
The Aristocrats is a perfect example of how sometimes, but not always, great material can overcome crappy filmmaking. Because it really isn't good as a documentary - too rambling, the pacing's off, the editing is choppy and lets some things drone on while others are cut short - but man, does the footage make up for…
While the first season was incredibly uneven, it hit some really high highs in the Carrie Coon/Christopher Eccleston/pre-Departure episodes, and there was enough underlying intrigue for me to give it another season.
COOL STORY BRO: The original title of this movie was Flying Wild, and I had a VHS of some movie that had the trailer with that title. When I saw a poster for it at the theater after the title change, I, a confused 8-year-old, wondered if they had made two movies with the same premise and cast under different titles.
Glenn Kenny, while making some good points in that piece, has burned through all the goodwill generated by it by being an absolute cock on Twitter for MONTHS toward anyone who happened to enjoy it. But then again, he's been kind of a "get off my lawn" old man cock on Twitter for years, burning any goodwill I had…
Terrific little movie. Loved the way it was shot, in that kind of hazy almost-black-and-white that's almost too on the nose symbolically but works anyway.
I've always been with Ebert on this one. It's well made, well acted, completely absorbing and intense. And yet, as he said, "the movie is against pedophilia, but what does it have to say about sadomasochism?" And the ending always sort of bothered me because the movie tried so hard to stay neutral, but it came down…
A sure sign of a good romcom is when the obligatory third act "break up to make up" is based in logic and reason, rather than just "OMG, I misheard a crucial conversation and refuse to believe Male Protagonist is telling the truth!"
I hate that Fergie song L.A. Love because she name drops a bunch of cities at one point, and one of them is Kansas City. I live in Kansas City, and every time I went to the gay bar for, like, six months after that song came out, they would play it, and all the drunken twinks would LOSE THEIR FUCKING SHIT because she…
Capitalism: A Love Story was the name of that movie, and if you had watched an hour of the news any time between the 2008 collapse and the movie's release, you knew more than it could tell you.
Will Ferrell, entering the age bracket where he begins to more aggressively test the "serious actor" phase of his career while starring in movies that straddle the line between funny and serious.