Wes Lawson

Yeah, it was better in that movie. I can't remember how much was in Dragon Tattoo, but The Social Network and Benjamin Button were, like, 95 percent yellow.

Would yellow count as orange? I see a lot of that. As much as I love David Fincher, I wish someone would take him aside and say "Dude, maybe try a filter that isn't yellow for a few of these scenes?

I saw the trailer for this and that other inspirational teacher movie with Kevin Costner before something I saw recently and wondered why inspirational teacher movies are suddenly back in vogue. Wasn't this genre, as mentioned above, thoroughly savaged by High School High and Hamlet 2, to the point where it's hard to

That was my thought all the way through the trailer for this.

I'm sure many of them know it's offensive, but:

The magic that's on those tapes, you don't own that.

John Browns Bodhi.

I commented on the Stretch review how depressing and good this movie is. It has one of the most horrifying drowning scenes I can recall, and the scene after the crash where Liam Neeson talks the guy through dying still bothers me when I think about it.

"I know I know I know I know you want me
You're just a pig inside a human body
Squealer squealer squeal out, you're so disgusting
You're just a pig inside."

I want a supercut of all the times he broke character. Munchma Quchi, John Lennon's Ghost, Snus, Domino's new pizza, the "man whose toys come to life at night," the one with the Jewish horn whose name I can't remember….

I mentioned this further down, but I wish best-of lists were always a year behind. As in, right now we'd be getting best-of 2013 lists. Partially that's my own selfishness (it usually takes me until June to catch up with everything from the previous year because of DVD releases), and I think it would eliminate some of

I've seen a pathetically low number of movies this year (I think less than 25, and only 3 from the above list). Of what I've seen, Birdman and Dear White People are the best by a substantial margin.

He's appeared in one film since Homicide ended in 2000. I call that retired. And yeah, based on your "artist" stuff in the Taylor Swift thread earlier, you're a troll, absolutely objectively.

Yaphet Kotto retired after a long, distinguished and respected career in Broadway, film and television, and he's written a couple books, so this metaphor is…. oh wait, you're a troll, nvm

Even though I was kind of lukewarm on the first one and don't particularly anticipate this sequel, I'm so glad to actually see a sequel that's striking while the iron's hot, rather than waiting 10 years and then finding some contrived reason for a group of women in their mid-30's to sing acapella again, or whatever.

Lady in the Water was particularly frustrating in that it felt like it was maybe one or two rewrites from being a really good movie. All the elements are there, but Shyamalan desperately needed an asshole producer to force him to throw out the critic character and not cast himself as Jesus and hey, maybe we can find

My favorite slowed-down song is still the Jurassic Park theme slowed down 1000x, which at times is a beautiful wall of noise.

Serious answer: a stop-motion anthology series based on Stephen King stories.

I paid $85 for GA floor for Lady Gaga both times I saw her, and I know Katy Perry charged about the same. Justin Timberlake was $175 for floor when he came through. Madonna was $200 for the furthest-up nosebleeds.

I laughed pretty hard when the girl who chainsawed off one of her arms and had the other one blown off with a shotgun switched from evil to normal and started crying and saying "You're hurting me!" to her boyfriend.