Wes Lawson

Whether you love it or hate it, you must also admit that Richard Jenkins screaming fuck you at Japanese schoolchildren is worth the price of admission by itself.

I really like Kevin James, despite the fact that he rarely makes good movies. He seems like an actual person.

Me too! I first read the term in a Life in Hell book, not putting together that the comic had been written several years before home computer ubiquity (I was pretty young).

True Lies was one of my first R's, although I didn't see it until video. I always fast-forwarded through the hotel room scene, which was probably the hugest early "YOU'RE GAY!" red flag .

My first R ever was the Sylvester Stallone Judge Dredd (yeah, I know, I was 7), though that was fairly tame as R-rated movies go.

She really is awesome in everything. I retroactively recognized her in recent rewatches of Zero Effect and Thank You For Smoking, both of which I hadn't seen since before watching Deadwood/Treme.

For most of his fiction film career, I feel like Spike Lee's needed a voice of reason on his sets - someone to shape and pace his material, someone to reel him in when his righteous anger tips into unfocused ranting, and someone to make his movies a little more fully formed, as they have a tendency to cover too many

Really, Katy Perry's the most benign of the current pop superstars. Music's inoffensive fluff, decent voice, only been in a couple minor controversies, seems like a nice person, huge boobs. I don't love her or anything but I like her and don't get the hate.

Semi-related: were you aware that all of Degrassi: The Next Generation is streaming on Prime? And that it holds up pretty well? And Aubrey Graham was totally awkwardly pubescent until around the time he gets put in the wheelchair?

I'll still see this one because Ben Whishaw, although I'm sure it won't hold a candle to In The Family, which had similar sounding subject matter and is my favorite film of this decade so far.