Wes Fazzani

Was Karen just trying to bluff Wesley when she said "do you think this is the first time I've shot someone?" Because at first I thought it was just bluster, but then after shooting Wesley instead of freaking out and having a breakdown, she wipes away any traces of her fingerprints, takes the gun and throws it in the

Actually the mafia was originally formed by Sicilian peasants as a way of fighting back against the tyranny of landowners and to protect the interests of poor farmers. The corruption seeped in slowly at first as it inevitably does when men find themselves in positions of power and eventually the criminality spread

Just the right amount of sarcasm sir… delivered on a silver platter! I commend you 😂

Awesome screen name dude

Throwing up gang signs made the soda I was drinking come outta my nose… so thanks for that 😂

Obviously I'm coming to the party a couple of years late and having not read the comments yet I don't know if someone else has pointed this out but rather than reading the scene with the horse as a metaphor for not running free forever I read it as a metaphor for the danger of enclosing yourself in and thinking you're

Good point and spot on. Daryl's entire back story and history with Merle is based around them being outsiders. The reason Daryl looked up to Merle as much as he did was because Merle had his not giving a fuck attitude down whereas Daryl was himself affected by the isolation and felt ostracised. Rick and the gang all

I remember reading or watching somewhere that they use conditioner on the zombie hair to make it look all dank and disgusting, maybe they did the same to Daryl

College is the place where you learn to be randomly ironic… at least according to every conversation I've ever had with student types

This made me laugh for a ridiculous amount of time and I'm not completely sure why

Hopefully in a coffin locked with a silver chain, covered in garlic bulbs and crosses at the bottom of a very deep and very abandoned mineshaft in one of real Kentucky's Holla's… god I hate that show, with the exception of Lafayette

I too felt a little like I'd received a slap in the faccia with a wet pesce when I read that about my beloved Justified

Haha your name is H I Lari O U S! To quote the one actually funny dude from will and grace (sorry Karen)

When I first heard of suicide I figured I'd give it a go… it was the most awful experience ever, I nearly fucking died!!!

Personally I about pissed my shorts with glee. Any excuse for Meth to grab a mic is alright with me, and while I will never argue that PLO style is an awesome track, something about release yo'delf always manages to get my party started.

Love this comment. See my earlier reply lol. I still have nightmares some 15 years after my last "experience" with one of those dreaded disposables. Always made me laugh that the advertising campaign had Shaolin Monks using them. Maybe their notorious aversion to pain came in handy lol

Not to mention that without that indestructible skin the orange bic disposable razor he was using would have ripped him to bits. Man I hate those razors, nothing but Band-Aids and Razor Burn

For me it's a shame that they used Theo Rossi for this character. To me he will always be Juan-Carlos "Juice" Ortiz from SOA, as such it's hard for me to take him seriously as an all out badass, I keep waiting for his sensitive side to show up.

I don't think shades ever saw him sans beard and fro, and that beard was heavy-frickin-duty. Hair-free Luke is a lot different to the man bear he was in jail. As an aside, did anyone else get a Denzel Washington vibe from "Man-Bear" Luke or was it just me. I seem to recall Denzel sporting a similar beard and fro at

This was my impression also