Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to the pundits roar
Region under tension
You’ll never make Nanking your whore
Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to the pundits roar
Region under tension
You’ll never make Nanking your whore
We know the image is fantastical because there are 5 ‘actually operational’ RAF aircraft in it!
You can’t make it without acknowledging what a fucking mess Labour and pieces of shit like Gordon Brown left the UK in when they rightfully got their asses handed to them in 2010. Cameron and company have a made some mistakes but have done alot of good too, especially with SDSR 2015.
Hell, I learned verbal judo in USAF aircraft maintenance school. I got a 98% on my advanced Yo Mama jokes section.
-“After all, America’s military might can easily topple any third world government, the military part of the operation is not the challenging one; it is the political one that follows that is most perilous.”-
Holy shit someone that actually gets it.
Are you going to sit here and tell me that your more informed on issues in your country then some crazy right-wing racist nut job on the internet????
This whole “the UK has a Muslim problem” is bullshit. I’m in the UK, three doors down from the local mosque, as it happens. My girlfriend is all cleavage and tattoos, I can buy a beer on any street in any city I like, where is this sharia law I hear so much about from the other side of the Atlantic? ‘cause I can’t see…
Yeah, I dont pretend to understand British procurement and how and why they do things. Certain things just catch my eye (like axing the super capable ASW Nimrods after all of that work and money invested). Or getting rid of the Harriers prematurely (IMO). I barely have a small handle on the American process.
When I left the RAF some years ago for a job involving less sand, it was in a poor state compared to when I joined. We do have, proportionally, a very large defense budget but much of it is spent on those strange blokes who live in submarines and the missiles they carry.
I promise, most Americans that are tied into current events (especially military ones) are well aware that the Brits are, and have been helping.
Do you know how many missions the RAF has already flown against ISIS? There seems to be a complete unawareness amongst our American friends that we have not just sat idly by chanting ‘think of the children’.
C’mon man. There’s a massive difference between accidentally straying into an airspace, and leaving immediately when you figure it out, and continual, intentional violations all in the name of seeing how far you can push people.
I hear where you’re coming from but that’s not how things work.
Size might be great for cocks, but for weapons, it’s a sure sign of inferiority provided it is doing the same job as something smaller, cheaper, more efficient, easier to trasport, feed/fuel and fund.
“It’s always aliens with you, Rimmer. Anything weird happened, it’s aliens. You said aliens took our bog roll.”
I’ve seen IndyCar, F1, NASCAR, Bikes, lower formulas, tintops, trucks in the flesh and more besides on tv and I’ve never been made to feel so anxious by a race than Pocono. You just felt that something really bad was going to happen. The current cars don’t sit well with me. They look plain wrong. RIP Justin, you were…