I know he’s just a dumb, old pediatric surgeon who barely has an eight-pack, but shouldn’t we at least consider Larry?
I know he’s just a dumb, old pediatric surgeon who barely has an eight-pack, but shouldn’t we at least consider Larry?
“Will you give Shantaram a second season?”
It’s just brimming with Kenergy!
I loved that game. It did bullet time before the Matrix game and was over all a blast to play. TBH the only downside was that one damn level where you are walking through a black void on a path listening to a constantly crying baby.
Hard agree. It’s pretty much the only game, that I used to play as a kid, that has aged incredibly well imho. And while Max Payne 2 improved upon almost all the aspects of MP1 (and is a fantastic game in its own right), it simply can’t replicate the charm and atmosphere of the first game. Very hyped about the remakes…
Max Payne was one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had.
Those Max Payne shots are driving me to install the game again. It’s been a while and I’m well overdue.
That mother fucker. Literally.
James...you made The Terminator. Titanic. Aliens. The Abyss. True Lies. Why, why do you have to hang your hat on this uninspired, boring franchise? You fuckin’ went into the Mariana Trench for fuck’s sake, and the thing you want to be remembered for is Avatar?
Jack Black, you’re doing great, no notes.
This mode was so much fun to play in Yakuza 0. They should legit make a whole game out of this mode.
We kinda did. There was as much Dukat family drama as anyone on DS9.
I’d much rather watch a reality show about Gul Dukat, honestly.
The Bajorans know what they did.
How come no one ever wants to talk about the brutal Kardashian occupation of Bajor?
That's a insult to Ogey Boogy he's not voiced by Tim Curry.
Tanking your company’s stock to own the libs.
Elon Might ban these tracks if they arent explicitly labeled Parody/satire