
First reaction: “Poor Hugh won’t be eating carbs for the next two years.”

I hope Season 2 is just a copy paste of Season 1, and you cant watch S3 till you've sat through both.

He’s more machine than man, twisted and evil.

What is crazy is that even if you get rid of the unconscious sex, WW84 is still a not very good movie.

I remember this gem back in the day, it absolutely slaps

Why won’t they let him die? Cuz this is a thing that happens with Japanese properties (primarily, though it happens in other places too - superheroes with legacies come to mind).

So is it tears, or tears?


Mama, they’re all in last place

if I’ve learned one thing about mothers in law from the internet , it’s that they get stuck in washing machines a lot

The funny thing is that in every one of your examples, the franchise in question has released an installment that does, in fact, change the primary characters’ motivations and try to undermine the franchise status quo. Bond *repeatedly* goes rogue and quits Her Majesty’s Secret Service in disgust, like to the point

OP actually thinks Indiana Jones was remotely good at being an archaeologist.

Right?? Dude is like “what if characters changed and grew in different ways?”

lmao all these film pitches slap

I totally lost it at the Ketracel White-Hot Sauce. And I was cackling with glee over the First Contact theme music and return of James Cromwell. And given the franchise’s incredible history of fashion, it was nice to finally see a visual gag here.

Dude, I’d take the ACTUAL Mirror Universe over one where Musk is venerated as a great man by history. Agonizers can’t be THAT bad in comparison.

50 years from now when civilian spaceflights actually take off from a theme park in Bozeman, Montana, this episode will have aged well.

You wanted her to step on you from the moment you first saw her ragdolling that Eclipse lieutenant.

They made Piccolo relevant again. That’s enough for me to love it. Not just relevant either, pretty badass as well.

Oh man...damn you for reminding me about the existence of Nostalgia Critic and his absolutely horrific “parody review” of the Wall.