Did she get that thing I sent her?
Did she get that thing I sent her?
Crypto isn’t making anyone rich except for the people at the top of the scheme. That’s how pyramid schemes *work*. Also these articles don’t get any more or less comment traffic than others. If you disagree, then I suggest you provide your proof because all this trash comment is, is hurt feefees and baseless statement.
It’s starting to sound to me like maybe this whole web3 decentralized currency thing is actually a terrible idea!
it’s not making anyone rich, they’re just getting higher and higher on their own farts and dunning-kruger.
Okay, name one thing. A new thing it brings to the table or improves upon.
That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.
“Mainly what I regret is that I directed it, because I am a terrible hack who ruins everything I touch.”
Frank is no longer DC’s most embarrassing Miller.
Good. I hope this is the beginning of the end of this NFT nonsense.
I mean that’s what they get for invading another country.. Slaughtering and raping people.. Including Children.
You literally cannot defend them at this point.
Yeah you don’t get to cry about “Russophobia” when Russia is brutally invading a country, sorry asshole.
Counterpoint: Max Payne good and remedy good so will buy
Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.
They should remake the comic sections as live action FMVs with the development team in terrible costumes! Embrace the weird of the first game!!
The farmer?
You leave Crazy Steve out of this!!! He’ll kick you in the goddamn nuts!
So is this the video game equivalent of The Room?
I did not kill Chaos, I did naaahhhhht.
Just end it with tits on dragons. Give the people what they want.
Yeah, and Tolkien completed Lord of the Rings…
He's here. He's there. He's everyfuckingwhere.