
Very cool and correct.

He’s not wrong, though.

The word you’re looking for is “accurate”

They look more cool and reasonable than either of the pro NFT comments in this thread.

Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?

Or...just don’t play them

I hope the genre continues to prosper and we see even more indie titles that use the quirky mechanics to great advantage.

Look, they’re not brilliant, and normally these are the kinds of pointless blockbusters I’d be happy to crap all over, but dammit, they are SO watchable.

Toby Fox gave his blessing, so it’s all good!

So cease and desist warning coming in...
Oh wait, this isn’t Nintendo.
Carry on then.

before it gets really, really bad.

Buckle up, losers. I’m gonna kick you some more.

Not to say I don’t agree with the spirit of the post- NFTs are dumb, environmentally destructive tech that I wish would die sooner than later, and these people are idiots- but it feels a bit like kicking someone when they’re down to call them losers in the title.

Honestly this isn’t even really a reporting piece, just

Like holy shit this is dumb. This is so fucking dumb.

And the idea that they think they’re doing a public service...is just peak now.

Capitalism is gonna kill us all, and I’m hoping I’m dead long before it gets really, really bad.

‘NFTs are just beanie babies for people who get mad whenever there are black people in Star Wars movies’.

I hope he didn’t compound his misery by watching it too.

Crypto bros and appearing out of the ether to “well, ackshually” a small reference to NFTs in an otherwise completely unrelated article, name a more iconic duo

Surely given the subject matter of the film, the grade should have been C++?