
He’s a slasher... of prices!

My inner linguist is now laughing his ass off, thanks.

The 3D models in Sword and Shield look... not great. But this is amazing!

“I disagree with the decision to remove me from a DC movie after I stated that I won’t be starring in any DC movies”

OK, who else just found out that this show not only exists, but has three seasons already?

Man, I really want to chop fools with a sword as Samurai Kiryu.

That’s great. I’m all for more Wonder Woman movies.
But for the love of god, they need to learn from the mistakes of this one. Diana deserves better than this. She was barely a presence in her own movie. She needs something to do other than pine for Pine!
As for the movie itself, I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t like it

Jesus fuck.
The story of making this show will one day be adapted into a show.

Are we even doing “phrasing” anymore?

Man, I like this show, but I think the Netflix “whole season at once” is not doing it any favors. I already forgot almost anything that happened in it.

They actually had this in the concept art to have Palpatine hanging from a hook like a goddamn Christmas ornament.

Sure, they’ll kill off Boba Fett right after they brought him back.
At the same time, Disney will set fire to a gigantic pile of dollar bills, just for the hell of it.

You could say it was a... bold move.

“Assimilate this” is a great line, you worthless petaQ!

In other news: people still play Fall Guys, apparently.


Maron, Moran and Malone.
OK, that’s kind of hilarious.

Oh come on, Ethelrida is cool too.

Hell no, they’re way too cute