
Just let this unfunny crap die already.

Now playing

Seriously? No mention of Joseph Joestar in this entire comment thread?

Just remember to attack its weak point for massive damage.

I am amazed that this show is ending. I thought that it would turn into a fantasy soap opera, like Doctor Who.
Not that I’m really complaining, I stopped watching around season 8, I think. But still, I am surprised by this.

Too little, too late.
I am tired of the “game eventually gets good” approach. I’m not buying a shitty game with hope that after a year or two they’ll fix it. No sir.

Well, this is the final stage of Rambo’s character’s transformation into a parody of itself.

Hard to believe Supernatural is ending. I thought it was going to be a soap opera like Doctor Who, running until the end of time.
Shame it stopped being good a loooooong time ago.

Now we need a mod replacing the main character with Tommy Wiseau.

It's a damn good, beautiful game.

It’s been ages since the last King Dragon video, I hope he’ll make a new one soon D:
Luckily, his video library is so massive and all of them are so short, it’s easy to make a full rewatch every once in a while, and they are hilarious every time.

Zelda is absolutely kicking ass in Hyrule Warriors. I destroyed Ganondorf while playing as her and it was glorious.

Who would want to play as Mario? Mario is boring. Luigi is the boss.

I still name every Snorlax “Your Mom”, and my rival “Asshole”, so I know what you mean.

Sounds like every male pornstar to me

<crashes through the wall>

How about Dildo Stabbins?

Yeeesh, I love Rick and Morty, but that’s a terrible pitch. Might as well have said “IT AIN’T YOUR GRANDPA’S STAR TREK!”

I see that they disabled the comments for this on Youtube.
Wise move.

Just to let you know, I’m Polish and I am deeply, deeply disappointed... Well, I was disappointed in my country, for making this shit so popular there. But to learn that this crap actually spread worldwide? Jesus fuck, What is happening with the world.