Let’s return this game to Thra!
Let’s return this game to Thra!
These types of videos are the worst.
UUUM AKSHUALLY, the fight scene is bad because if you pause and watch it frame by frame, you can see that blargh blargh blargh.
Just let me enjoy the cool action dammit.
I personally liked the combat, especially after you learn levitation. Throwing stuff around was great. But I agree that it needed a lot of polish.
...I read this as “Your friend. Your mama”
The first movie is canon. Mewtwo fighting Gary in his armor appears in one episode, and escapes Giovanni in another.
Do the Mirror Altered Item sidequest - at the end you can find the coolest outfit in the game on a mannequin.
It works perfectly as a drunken tavern song, which is what I think they were going for. I loved the moment in ep 4 when Jaskier start’s singing it and a bunch of people join in.
I recomend giving episode 3 a chance. I think its the best one, turned many people who wanted to quit around .
Ah, I see that nothing has changed. Star Wars fandom is still the goddamn worst.
Blame the source material. You know, from 1993. It’s all about the politics in there too.
I absolutely love this game, but timed battle arenas are not for me. The combat is not exactly the strongest part of Control. Tried twice and I think I’m fine.
But when the story DLC will drop, I will be on that shit immediately.
Hear hear.
The Ashtray Maze sequence alone deserves an award/
The ending was just... depressing. And not in a good way.
I loved Infinite, but despised the Burial at Sea DLC. Completely ruined the game for me. I would love the new installment to be completely separate from the others, the “everything is connected” crap from BaS was way too much.
“Kotaku is not running a companion State Of The Nintendo 3DS piece this year, because there are only so many different ways to write “dead.””
Oh come on, be a bit creative.
Boo this man! Booo!
Completed the game yesterday.
This was easily the best video game experience I had in a long while. The Ashtray Maze was so fucking cool that I needed a break.
Will definitely buy all expansions, the mad bastards at Remedy can have all my money.
“may never come out.”
It’s the only thing that is legally allowed to slap.
The only slap is the one that people using that word should get across the face.