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Do yourselves a favor and watch Suede’s reviews. This man is a massive Pokemon geek with a cool New Zealand accent, and he is also very wholesome, with no gross humor, swearing or sexual jokes (although sometimes the show really pushes him to the edge). This is one of my favorites:

Oh man, I still remember jumping into the toilet.

I love Jayne. I name by cat Jayne.
But Baldwin is such a steaming pile of shit, that if Firefly ever came back, I would prefer that he was recast.

Compared to BG&E or PoP, KOTOR is a huge-ass game. They definitely had to cut some corners in order to fit this monster on a disk.

Nobody cares

Beating the shit out of Vic?
I’m in!

I snorted out loud in the office, thanks.

So just like in the movies then.

Damn, it’s a good thing that I already downloaded the whole “Zelda and chill” album. That shit is too good to be lost.


San Andreas is so ugly, you guys. Uglier than I remember.
Seriously, those graphics are atrocious. How the hell did I not see that when I was playing it as a teenager?

Ha, that was my first thought when I saw the headline. Well played.

Nope, it’s from the “Ichiban! Lipstick for men!” commercial

Super is definitely kinder to female characters than Z. But Chi Chi is not one of them.

At least they have a father who spends time with them, not abandons them constantly.
“Oh look, a guy who is reincarnated Buu! Instead of just befriending him and hanging out once in a while, I will abandon my family AGAIN and fly away with him Dende knows where! Bye honey! Bye Gohan and Gotan or whatever your name is!”

How about “Goku is the worst father/husband in the universe”?
Even Vegeta has more parental instincts, eventually.

Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

Oh, thanks. My internet was too slow for it to load.

Can someone name all the DC pirates?

I appreciate the intention, but this article is truly garbage.
So Tate’s family is fine with it. Robbie is fine with it. But here is a white man, telling people to be outraged. Are we seriously going to be counting actor’s lines now?
Conan the Barbarian with Arnold Schwarzenegger is great, but the protagonist only has